Tuesday, May 20, 2014

24: Season 9, Episode 4 : Heller and Mark speak about Bauer


Mark: He (Jack) is a designated terrorist. We don't negotiate with terrorists.
With all due respect, Sir, this is a clear call.

Heller: Maybe a clear call for you, Mark. Not so for Audery and I. We know Jack Bauer, you don't.


24: Season 9 - Episode 4 : Jack - Tanner Samvaad

Jack asks Tanner to tell him where's the Flight Key.

Tanner (Drone Pilot) : Wait, how do I know whether or not to believe you?

Jack: Son, right now the point is that I believe you. From everything that I can see, no one else does. You want your name cleared, I'm your only shot.

Tanner: It's on captain Denovo.